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Why Talking About Suicide Should Be Normalized

Rudy Caseres shares his story and the importance of speaking up when it comes to suicidal thoughts. “Suicide is still a topic that is not talked about nearly…

Watch Me Dance Watch Me Grow

Kisha Bashkiharatee celebrates her three years in dancing, and talks about how it has developed in her personal wellness. “You can be uncomfortable and you can…

Why Living With Anxiety Is Like Walking On Custard

Neil introduces a new approach to anxiety and hopes that folks will feel more comfortable publicizing their private anxieties as a way to overcome them. “I wasn’…

When I Decided To Stop Hiding The Physical Scars Of My Mental Illness

Olivia is a firm believer in bringing visibility to invisible mental illnesses. “Since I stopped trying to hide, I feel like my body belongs to me. I don’t feel…