¡Los servicios de texto y chat de 988 Lifeline ya están disponibles en Español!


The 988 Lifeline does not currently have the capability to directly “trace” callers, chat, or text users in the same way that 911 providers do. The 988 Lifeline does attempt to route callers to the nearest center to them in the network using their area code to determine the most proximal center. However, this routing is imprecise because most people seek help through mobile devices and may be in a location different than their area code. In the atypical situations where emergency services must be contacted to prevent persons from seriously or fatally harming themselves, and the person is unwilling or unable to share their location information, 988 Lifeline crisis counselors must provide what information they have to 911 operators–the caller’s/text user’s phone number or the chat user’s IP address–to enable them to do whatever they can to locate the individual. However, as noted, this information–phone numbers and IP addresses–is often not accurate in describing the individual’s actual location, hindering both the connection of the individual in crisis to the nearest 988 Lifeline center as well as responding to life-threatening emergencies.