¡Los servicios de texto y chat de 988 Lifeline ya están disponibles en Español!

FAQ: Can I use the 988 Lifeline logo in my campaign / website / poster?

Answer: Absolutely! The 988 Lifeline is a public service and our logo is available for anyone to use. You do not need to ask for permission, though we ask that…

FAQ: Do you have 988 Lifeline materials that I can order?

Answer: Yes. 988 Lifeline posters, wallet cards, and other print materials can be ordered through the SAMHSA store. PDF versions are also available on the…

FAQ: Can I link to the 988 Lifeline website through my organization’s website or my personal website?

Answer: We encourage all organizations interested in promoting the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline to provide a link to 988lifeline.org on their own websites.

FAQ: How can our crisis center or mental health service organization join the 988 Lifeline network?

Answer: Consideration for joining the network is based on a number of factors. Our goal is to have sufficient coverage and capacity by crisis centers in the…

FAQ: How do I volunteer or get a job at the 988 Lifeline?

Answer: The 988 Lifeline is made up of a national network of crisis centers. You can find a list of current network job listings here. For more information…

FAQ: I’m a reporter/journalist doing a story on the 988 Lifeline. Who is your press contact?

Answer: Please send all press inquiries regarding the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline to Divendra Jaffar at djaffar@vibrant.org.