¡Los servicios de texto y chat de 988 Lifeline ya están disponibles en Español!

FAQ: What is 988 and is it active?

Answer: 988 is now active across the United States. This new, shorter phone number will make it easier for people to remember and access mental health crisis…

FAQ: Does 1-800-273-TALK (8255) still work?

Answer: On July 16, 2022 the ten-digit National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number, 1-800-273-TALK (8255), was converted to an easy to remember three-digit…

FAQ: Does the 988 Lifeline have geolocation capabilities?

Answer: The 988 Lifeline does not currently have the capability to directly geolocate callers, chat, or text users in the same way that 911 providers do.

FAQ: Does the 988 Lifeline trace callers, texters, or chatters?

Answer: The 988 Lifeline does not currently have the capability to directly “trace” callers, chat, or text users in the same way that 911 providers do.

FAQ: Does Vibrant use police intervention for callers, texters, and chatters to the 988 Lifeline?

Answer: 988 Lifeline crisis centers are more than just a connection to local resources. 988 Lifeline crisis centers are a proven and effective crisis…

FAQ: What does “confidential” mean when saying contacting the line is free and confidential?

Answer: All contacts with the 988 Lifeline from people seeking help are to be treated as confidential by the 988 Lifeline and 988 Lifeline network centers.

FAQ: What training does the 988 Lifeline provide network crisis counselors?

Answer: Current requirements are for each center in the network to develop their own training curriculum that incorporates the 988 Lifeline’s clinical…